If you do not yet have these policies on your site, we strongly recommend adding them. If your site collects personal information from your site visitors, you are required by law to have a formal Privacy Policy. Terms of Use, while not legally required, are more about protecting yourself, your content and your intellectual assets. While reviewing the privacy policies and terms of use of others in your industry can be helpful, copying them outright should be avoided. Instead, the recommendation is to either use a generator tool that accounts for the specific needs of your site, or to have an attorney draft one for you.
Learn more about these policy documents and whether you need them via the following links:
- https://www.godaddy.com/garage/tips-terms-service-privacy-policy-pages/
- https://www.godaddy.com/garage/does-your-website-really-need-terms-of-use/
For your Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, you may use an online generation tool like TermsFeed to generate these policies, though we do encourage you to have your attorney review them as well. Please let us know if you would like us to generate draft policies (using TermsFeed) for your review, and we will be happy to do so. TermsFeed charges from $7-$20 for this service.